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The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that “Sacraments are ‘powers that come forth’ from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving.  They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church.  They are “the masterworks of God” in the new and everlasting covenant.” (1116). As Catholics, we are privileged to have a rich sacramental life whereby we can receive sanctifying grace and experience the love of Jesus Christ in a special way.  Sacraments are not a “thing” to be received, but a personal, incarnate life-changing event that draws us ever closer to Christ as we continue on our journey of faith.


The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church, marking the beginning of a person’s faith journey as a child of God. Through baptism, original sin is washed away, and the baptized individual is spiritually reborn, receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. This sacrament, typically administered by a priest or deacon, involves the pouring or immersion in water and the invocation of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism welcomes individuals into the Christian community, making them members of the Church and heirs to the promises of Christ. As a foundational sacrament, it sets the stage for a lifelong relationship with God, rooted in faith, hope, and love, and calls the baptized to live in a way that reflects the teachings of Jesus.

For more information about Baptisms, please email or call our Director of Faith Formation, Tina Guyden, at 404-241-5862.



The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is a profound encounter with God’s mercy in the Catholic Church. Through this sacrament, individuals confess their sins to a priest, who, acting in the person of Christ, offers forgiveness and absolution. This sacrament is an opportunity for Catholics to reflect on their lives, acknowledge their failings, and receive the grace to grow closer to God. Reconciliation brings healing to the soul, renews one’s relationship with God, and restores the grace lost through sin. It calls Catholics to a deeper conversion, helping them to turn away from sin and live according to Christ’s teachings. Through sincere repentance and the desire to make amends, the Sacrament of Reconciliation offers a fresh start, allowing individuals to experience God’s love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Confessions are on Saturdays from 4:00 - 5:00 pm or by appointment. To make an appointment, contact our pastor,
Fr. Kevin Peek, via email or at 404-241-5862. 



The Sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist, is central to the Catholic faith and is considered the source and summit of Christian life. In this sacrament, Catholics receive the Body and Blood of Christ under the appearances of bread and wine, believing in the real presence of Jesus. The Eucharist is a sacred moment of unity with Christ, where the faithful are nourished spiritually and strengthened to live out the teachings of Jesus. Receiving Holy Communion unites believers not only with Christ but also with the Church community, reinforcing bonds of love and faith. It is a profound mystery of faith, recalling Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and celebrating His Resurrection, and it calls Catholics to live in gratitude and service. Regular participation in the Eucharist deepens one’s relationship with God and encourages a life of compassion, humility, and holiness.

For more information about First Communion, please
email or call our Director of Faith Formation, Tina Guyden, at 404-241-5862.



The Sacrament of Confirmation is a powerful step in the Catholic Church that completes the grace of baptism and strengthens the bond between the individual and God. In this sacrament, the Holy Spirit is conferred upon the person in a special way, deepening their faith and empowering them to live as committed disciples of Christ. The bishop or priest anoints the candidate with holy chrism oil, laying hands on them and calling down the gifts of the Holy Spirit—wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Confirmation roots the individual more deeply in their identity as a child of God, helping them to stand firm in their faith and share it courageously with others. It marks a maturity in the faith journey, calling Catholics to live out their beliefs actively in the Church and in the world, serving as witnesses to the love and truth of Christ.

For more information about Confirmation, please
email or call our Director of Faith Formation, Tina Guyden, at 404-241-5862.



The Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church is a sacred covenant in which a man and a woman commit themselves to a lifelong partnership, rooted in love and open to God’s grace. In this sacrament, the couple vows to love, honor, and be faithful to each other, reflecting the unbreakable love that Christ has for His Church. Matrimony is not just a contract but a profound, spiritual bond that signifies the presence of God within the marriage. Through the grace of this sacrament, the couple is empowered to build a family based on mutual respect, sacrifice, and shared faith, and to raise children in the light of Catholic teachings. The sacrament also strengthens them to face life’s challenges together, relying on God’s guidance and the support of the Church. Matrimony is a call to holiness, inviting the couple to mirror God’s love in their relationship and extend it outward, becoming a witness of God’s love to the world.

To discuss and/or prepare for Matrimony, please contact our pastor, Fr. Kevin Peek, via email or at the Parish Office at 404-241-5862 for more information. 



The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the means by which men are consecrated for lifelong ministry in the Catholic Church, serving God and His people as deacons, priests, or bishops. This sacrament involves a solemn rite of ordination, during which a bishop lays hands on the candidate and prays for the Holy Spirit to bestow the grace needed for this sacred calling. Through Holy Orders, ordained ministers are given the authority to preach the Gospel, celebrate the sacraments, and shepherd the faithful, dedicating their lives to the service of Christ and the Church. Priests and bishops act in the person of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist, Reconciliation, and other sacraments, while deacons assist in these roles and serve the Church through works of charity and pastoral care. Holy Orders is a profound commitment that requires a spirit of humility, sacrifice, and devotion, calling those ordained to live out their vocation as spiritual guides and to model the love of Christ in all they do. This sacrament strengthens the Church, as each ordained minister plays a vital role in nurturing the faith and guiding the community toward a deeper relationship with God.

To discuss any religious vocations (priesthood, diaconate, or religious life as a sister or brother), please contact our pastor, Fr. Kevin Peek (click to email). You can also contact the Archdiocese of Atlanta's Vocations Office at 404-920-7800. (Click for the Archdiocese's Vocation Office website)



The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a powerful gift of healing and comfort in the Catholic Church, offered to those who are seriously ill, facing surgery, or near the end of life. In this sacrament, a priest anoints the sick person with holy oil, prays for their strength, and asks for God’s healing presence. This sacrament provides spiritual and, at times, physical healing, offering courage and peace to those suffering from illness or the challenges of aging. The anointing connects the sick person to Christ’s own suffering, transforming their experience of pain and vulnerability into a moment of grace. Through this sacrament, they are united with the broader Church community in prayer, reinforcing that they are not alone in their struggle. The Anointing of the Sick reminds Catholics of God’s unwavering love and mercy, helping the sick to find hope, deepen their faith, and trust in God’s plan, no matter the outcome.

If you need a priest for emergency anointing, please call 404-981-1853. Otherwise, please contact our pastor to discuss and/or prepare for anointing. 

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